New Book!

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Initial character sketch for “The Tooth Fairy Who Forgot.”


Great news! I’ve just signed a contract to illustrate my second book! “The Tooth Fairy Who Forgot,” written by author Carla Ferrell, is a sweet story about an absent-minded tooth fairy who accidentally forgets to bring payment to 9-year old Isabella. They begin writing letters to one another and become pen-pals. My absolute favorite books as a kid always involved hand-written letters (like The Jolly Postman and Amelia’s Notebook), so I can’t wait to work on this project! I’m already full-steam ahead working on the storyboard – check it out!

Beginning the process – I cut up the manuscript and rearrange the text on 32 pages, the standard for children’s books.


My timeline for the project is six months, so stay tuned for updates on my blog and look for the book to become available right in time for the holidays, 2015!